Nature and disconnection in Escorca

Nature, Climate and Landscapes

Enjoy the weather and the scenery

One of the most valuable and emblematic spaces on the island of Mallorca is the Serra de Tramuntana. This place has been recognized for its natural and cultural values ​​on several occasions: in 1972 as a Scenic Landscape, in 2007 as a Protected Natural Area with the figure of Natural Sanctuary, and in 2010, UNESCO awarded it the title of World Heritage . Escorca is located in the center of the Serra, being the municipality that covers the most extension.

The diversity of the landscape, with leafy oaks, sunny pine groves, reed groves, olive groves, and the variety of habitats favor a high biodiversity. One of the most remarkable aspects is the wealth of endemic animal and plant species.

Animals you can observe

Fauna of Escorca

More than 4200 species of animals, plants and fungi have been described in the Serra de Tramuntana, most of which are found in Escorca. 

The geological, climatic and biological conditions, together with the good state of conservation of its habitats, favor this high faunal diversity.

  • Invertebrates : Highlights include the blood beetle (Timarcha balearica), an endemic species, and the Chinese silk butterfly (Antheraea pernyi), introduced in the 19th century.
  • Amphibians and reptiles : The woodpecker (Alytes muletensis) is an endemic species and a natural treasure. You can also find the green toad (Bufonetes balearicus) and the common lizard (Tarentola mauritanica).
  • Birds : It is estimated that there are around 140 species of birds in Escorca, including the black vulture (Aegypius monachus) and other birds of prey such as the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus).
  • Mammals : Species such as the genet (Genetta genetta), the marten (Martes martes), and chiropterans or bats stand out. Invasive species such as the raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the coati (Nasua nasua) have also been detected.

Natural Spaces

There are ten protected natural areas in Escorca, covering practically the entire municipal area, except for the urban areas and the Ma-10 and Sa Calobra roads. A large part of the territory is included in the Natura 2000 Network, divided into eight natural areas.
The Natura 2000 Network is a European ecological network created to conserve natural habitats and species of wild flora and fauna. It includes Special Conservation Areas (ZEC) and Special Protection Areas for Birds (ZEPA).

Public Estates

Escorca houses more publicly owned farms than any other municipality. These estates are acquired to preserve and restore their natural, landscape and cultural values, and to make them available to everyone.
The public estates managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Territory include Binifaldó, Menut, Cúber, Miner Gran, Mortitx, Sa Coma des Prat and Ses Figueroles. The Island Council of Mallorca manages Son Amer, Son Massip and Tossals Verds.

Recreational areas

Escorca has six recreational areas managed by the Balearic Institute of Nature (IBANAT). These areas are equipped with stoves, tables, wooden benches, bathrooms, waste containers and parking areas, and some also have children's play areas, woodsheds and porches.

Recommendations for keeping Escorca clean


Flora and Vegetation

Escorca is the largest municipality in the Serra de Tramuntana and preserves a large part of its territory intact, with exuberant and leafy vegetation. The oaks of Son Massip stand out, which occupy shady and humid slopes and plains, and the pine and scrub forests which are brighter and denser.

  • Oak trees : They form the undergrowth with species such as sedge (Ruscus aculeatus), heather (Erica arborea) and bay laurel (Viburnum tinus).
  • Pine groves and thickets : They include the mastic (Pistacia lentiscus), the white cattail (Cistus albidus) and the rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis).
  • Altitudes : Species such as Hypericum balearicum and Phlomis italica adapt to higher altitudes and temperature contrasts.
  • Peaks : Thorny pads such as Astragalus balearicus dominate the landscapes near the peaks.


Escorca is one of the most important places of mycological interest in the Balearic Islands, thanks to its diversity of plants and habitats, together with a high rainfall regime. Hundreds of people come to look for mushrooms during the mycological season.

Bird watching

Escorca is one of the best places on the island for bird watching, with around 140 species that frequent the municipality. It is a key destination for birdwatchers, encompassing two SPAs declared to be nesting sites for the black vulture (Aegypius monachus).

Landscape viewpoints

The road between Sóller and Lluc, inaugurated in 1961, is one of the most attractive and touristic routes on the island, with authentic viewpoints from where you can enjoy impressive landscapes of the mountain range. It is a narrow road with poor visibility, so extreme caution must be taken when driving it.